I have been on the course since the November 2018. The course I am enrolled on is Level 2 Children’s and young people’s workforce, it is based on children and young people growth development, safeguarding, limiting risks in a children’s educational setting, children’s common illnesses, how children and young people learn, risk assessments and policies and procedures in nursery settings.
Currently I’ve learnt a lot of skills, including; communication skills. This is by interacting with the children in the nursery in many ways, I have planned and provided an activity that includes children learning and using their 5 senses. I’ve learnt about children’s growth and development from being born up until 19, how to set up an outside activity while the risk assessment is ongoing, most importantly how to keep children safe from any type of harm or danger which enhances safeguarding in the nursery and how to proceed in a health and safety environment. I am aware of my employment responsibilities and rights in health; social care involving children and young people’s setting.
I have been put down for ASD, I receive extra support to meet my needs in any sort of way, this provides the chance of me getting the best education for me during my qualification. My tutor Lynne supports me by contacting me once a week to see how I’m getting on, allowing me to get in contact with her if I need support with my work, I receive an action plan that explains the practical that I have to prepare for and the work that needs to be completed for the next appointment we have. This is explained thoroughly so that I understand it and can complete it with full understanding.